Our Data

Fast, robust, and reliable workforce insights.

"If your data collection stops at graduation, your goals stop there too."


We take data seriously.

As a steward of outcomes data, Steppingblocks holds a high standard to collect, verify and secure high-quality education and workforce information. We refresh our data quarterly to maintain the most accurate records for you.

Why we care.

To obtain a comprehensive picture of education and workforce outcomes, we collect, organize, classify and analyze demographic, education, and employment data from hundreds of different sources. Our data undergoes a rigorous process of validation for quality and veracity to ensure our clients get reliable, high quality workforce insights that allows them to make confident and informed decisions.


Steppingblocks Ask About Our Education Data


Education Data


We source education data from online profiles, resumes, government and education institution resources, such as the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), university websites, public databases, and institutional partnerships.


We utilize multiple methods (ML, Ai, NLP, etc.) that normalize, classify, and generate insights from hundreds of millions of raw education records. We standardize outputs into generally accepted classification categories and we build custom catalogs for every accredited institution in the U.S.


Our education profiles contain degrees, levels, graduation years, institution names, CIP categories, and subcategories. Additional education attributes are derived and available for cross segmentation analysis directly into our platforms and custom analytics.


Employment Data


We source employment data from online profiles, resumes, job postings, government sources, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), public filings, company websites, public salary databases, and company firmographic databases.


Our engine analyzes career paths longitudinally and gathers data from every single employment milestone including length of employment, job title analytics (normalization and classification) and employer analytics (industry, location, company growth, company type, etc.). We then utilize all of the gathered/derived information to generate further insights at singular and aggregate levels.


Our employment data and analytics (combined with education data and analytics) allow us to generate hundreds of singular and aggregate level insights on graduation outcomes, workforce insights, compensation analytics, firmographics, industry trends, and much more.

Steppingblocks Ask Us About Our Employment Hiring Trends and Data
Steppingblocks Ask About Our Demographic Data


Demographic Data


We source demographic data from government sources (census data, NCES graduation surveys, etc.), proprietary assessments, online resources (articles, patent publications, social groups, etc.) and data from online profiles and resumes.


Our analytics engine ingests billions of unstructured data points to generate fast and unique demographic insights. Our data integration process, models, and applications undergo a rigorous process of data validation, deduplication, and data veracity testing before publication.


Our demographic data and analytics allow us to generate singular or aggregate statistics by gender, location (map based), veteran status, salary, tenure, etc and can cross reference to any education, employment or institutional attribute (or set of attributes).


Institutional Data

We provide analytics for any company, educational institution, industry, or geographic location. We combine publicly available firmographics, institutional attributes, and industry data points to any segment of the Steppingblocks education, employment, or demographic data.

Copy of Website Updates

IRIS Quantifies Impact of Nearly 1B in Annual Research Spending

The Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS) has partnered with Steppingblocks to augment reporting capabilities by uncovering insights through billions of disparate education and workforce data points.


GSU Enhances Nationally Recognized QEP With Institutional Outcomes Data

"We use Steppingblocks to highlight to students the in-demand skills by industry and employment field," Dr. Angela Christie, QEP Director at Georgia State University.


From Our Research Team


Steppingblocks Names Ed Tech Veteran Dan Venedam as Vice President of Sales

MARCH 19, 2024

by Dr. Jacob Bonne

Exploring Outcomes For High Earning Female Graduates Under 40 in the Patriot League Conference

Pay equity is a critical issue in the workforce and for Higher Education. Steppingblocks previously explored the R2 universities producing the highest...

by Dr. Jacob Bonne